
Typhoon International have a pledge to operate in a manner which minimises the impact of its business operations on the environment, to help protect the oceans that we all cherish.


Introducing EarthZero1

We recognise the urgent need to shift towards more sustainable and conscious practices at Typhoon. That’s why we’re proud to introduce Earth Zero 01, our pledge to move towards zero waste and minimise our environmental impact gradually. With the understanding that this is a long-term commitment, Earth Zero 1 represents our dedication to protecting our planet. We have one Earth, so let’s take care of it together.

Explore with confidence, sustain with purpose.

How you can help
As a Typhoon customer, please help us to recycle our packaging responsibly.

Registered address: Saxon Wharf, Lower York Street, Southampton, SO14 5QF, UK Company number 00462364© 2025 Typhoon International Limited

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