
Winterise your Dinghy for Winter!

Typhoon International

October 22, 2024

While some hardcore sailors may be happy to don their winter wetsuits or drysuits and sail year-round, there are others of us who prefer to take a break during the coldest months. That’s perfectly ok! Before you hang your buoyancy aid up, however, make some time to get your dinghy ready for winter storage with these simple steps… 

Find a safe place to keep your dinghy; if that’s outdoors, consider a wheel clamp for extra peace of mind. Guard against damage from winter storms by tying your boat down securely; check neighbouring boats are secured, too, as they can potentially cause damage if blown onto your boat.  

Invest in a good cover to keep the elements out. Open any hatches or bungs, and support the boat so that any rainwater drains off, rather than pools.  

Check the trolley over. It’s important for your dinghy to be well supported so look closely at the conditions of the padding and check the hull is securely balanced. If you need to tow your boat to its winter spot, ensure the trailer is road-worthy before setting off.  

Give the hull a thorough wash down – inside and out – even if you have been sailing on fresh water. Use an eco-friendly marine-specific cleaning product, and hose down with plenty of water to eliminate grit, particularly around blocks and cleats, inside the centreboard casing, self-bailers and so on. Make sure you give the hull time to dry off before putting the covers on.  

Remove sails from the boat and hose these down, too. If it’s not too windy, hoist them to dry, then roll / fold them carefully, checking for chafe and wear as you go. Be sure to store sails out of the boat; find a dry place, well out of reach of nesting mice!   

Drop the mast, and sluice fresh water down the track, through fittings and shroud attachment points. Check for any wear, and do the same with your boom. If you’re storing spars lying down, support them correctly so they don’t develop a bend.    

Examine your halyards and sheets closely for any signs of fray; replace if there is any sign of wear. While you’re at it, take a good look at your toe straps and any elastics that might have perished. Soak all the ropes in a bucket of warm water then rinse thoroughly. Leave them to air dry before storing. 

Away from the boat, check your tool-box and note anything that needs re-stocking – add it to your Christmas list! Also, make sure your insurance is up to date and includes adequate cover for onshore damage, and theft.  

Make time to visit your boat periodically throughout the winter to check it’s still secured and that no small creatures have moved in. Ensure your cover is in place and hasn’t been damaged by wind or rain. Look for signs of damp; if it’s in a shed or garage a dehumidifier can help keep moisture levels down.  

Investing time now to prepare your dinghy for winter will pay dividends when warmer weather rolls around, enabling you to get sailing quickly again without any fuss. You will also have helped to protect your investment for the longer term. So, start ticking off that job list today and get your boat safely tucked up before winter really sets in.   

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